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IPOB Caution Biafran Youths To Avoid Nigerian Army Recruitment Or Become A Sacrificial Lamb

IPOB Press Release

October 06 2024 | IPOB

The Directorate of State (DOS) of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) led by our great leader, Mazi Nnamdi Okwu Kanu once again cautions Igbo youths not to join the ongoing recruitment by the murderous Nigeria Army. We have categorically maintained that the Nigeria State is not for Ndigbo and Biafrans.

Just as Biafran youths listened to IPOB’s instructions and jettisoned the Commonwealth military recruitment for the British proxy war against Russia and China, we are equally advising Biafran youths to jettison the ongoing nepotistic Nigerian Army recruitment. These two states (Britain and Nigeria) do not mean well for Biafrans. History always repeats itself.

A wise person will evaluate the benefits of our Biafran ancestors who fought for Britain during the 1st and 2nd world war. Similarly, Biafrans should ask what the fate of the retired soldiers in Nigeria is? Where are the many Igbo Biafran youths recruited into the Nigerian Army before now? Many of these Biafran soldiers have been betrayed and sacrificed for the Northern terrorism activities and blackmail business of the Nigerian Army. Some of the serving Biafran soldiers are in jail for complaining against nepotism and injustice by the Nigerian Army authorities. The few remaining ones are either in the warfronts against the terrorists in the North or are stampeded into silence in various military barracks.

Ndigbo in the Nigerian Army is always set up for slaughter against the terrorists in the North or against the State sponsored criminals in the East. For instance, the false flag operation carried out by the Nigerian Army during the Biafran Heroes Day celebration of May 30th 2024 led to the assassination of five (5) Igbo soldiers. These Igbo soldiers were set up by the military high command and killed by the State sponsored assailants just to blackmail IPOB. Is this the kind of military you want to lay down your life for?

IPOB understands Nigeria very well and will always advise our people ahead of time before Biafrans fall into Nigeria’s deceptive trap. IPOB is against Biafrans, particularly Ndigbo, joining the Nigerian Army because the Nigerian Army has no good intentions towards Ndigbo. It will be deadly to join an institution with one of its core objectives being to kill and destroy Ndigbo. Ndigbo is not part of Nigeria. Biafra is not Nigeria. If you don’t understand Nigeria’s hatred towards you today, we are sure that you will understand it tomorrow.

Any Biafran youth out of desperation for employment who joins the Nigerian Army because of their recruitment will be solely responsible for whatever happens to him or herself. IPOB will not talk about you when Nigeria army’s wickedness happens to you. One of the IPOB’s jobs is to educate Biafrans to understand the level of hatred against them and to help expose the evil strategies the Nigerian Security Agencies use against us.

One of those evil strategies is the recruitment of Biafran youths into the Nigerian Army and send them to the slaughter houses of the Northern terrorists while leaving Biafra land defenceless when they sponsor and deploy terrorists and launch them as part of their planned jihad conquest against Biafra Land. The Nigerian government and its Army devised many ways to slaughter Ndigbo, especially Biafran youths. Now, they have come another way to bring Igbo youths close in order to murder them and decrease our population.

Let him who has ears hear and let the fools keep fooling themselves until Nigeria happens to them. Avoid the Nigerian Army recruitment or perish in your ignorance. In the end, Biafra must be restored.


Published by:
Chibuike Nebeokike


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